Wednesday, February 1, 2017

I am somewhat surprised at all the commotion regarding the U.N non-binding resolution 2334 - YJ Draiman

I am somewhat surprised at all the 

commotion regarding the U.N non-binding

resolution 2334

Submitted by YJ Draiman, Jan 3, 2017 02:52

I am somewhat surprised at all the commotion regarding the U.N resolution 2334 (non-binding with no legal standing) which condemns Jewish Communities and Settlements in the West Bank aka Judea and Samaria
It should be noted Israel regained land and rebuilt communities previously taken from it illegally by Jordan via the Defensive War of 1967 when it had to defend itself from an unprovoked attack from Jordan. If the U.N voted a resolution declaring the Vatican as Muslim territory, is anyone going to abide by it?
According to my research, the U.N. Charter only provides for the recommendation(s) of a Resolution which is non-binding. In fact, the U.N. has absolutely no legal standing or power to enforce any Resolution(s). Furthermore, it cannot be ignored that the U.N. has recommended hundreds of Resolutions against Israel with no legal, or factual standing to support said non-binding Resolutions. 
There is also the U.N. Article 51 which provides nations right for defense against attack.
Israel is on solid legal and historical ground as far as its' territorial boundaries west of the Jordan River. In fact, history proves Israel has both a legal and historical claim for a lot of land held by Jordan.
The World at large has for thousands of years wrongfully persecuted the Jews, confiscated and stole their assets including land. The world at large will try and push us around if we let them. It is time to put an end to such unjustified persecution.
All the distortions of history up to and including modern day, by biased nations relying upon fictitious make-believe facts and wishful delusional beliefs, must not be tolerated any more. While most of the biased world continues to unjustly assail Israel, the nation of Israel contributes to the world a substantial amount of advancement and technology in all fields, including medicine, energy, water desalination, IT, and much more.
Today the Jewish State of Israel has the man-power and the resources to defend itself against most world powers. Thus, it is time for us Jews to become unified and stand up for ourselves as was done during the days of Moses, King David and King Solomon.
We are supposed to be "a stubborn nation" (Am Kshey Oref). Let us utilize our "stubborn" resolve with a strong backbone steeled with our unwavering faith. If we stand our ground without capitulations, we might encounter some obstacles and suffer some set-backs. But in the long run we will be stronger and the world at large will respect us more.

We must overcome the "victim mentality" we have too easily accepted over thousands of years. It is time for all Jews worldwide to raise our heads, and steel our resolve as a proud nation, proud accomplishments, with proud people.

YJ Draiman

1 comment:

  1. The Land of Israel aka Palestine belong to the Jewish people under international law
    Let the world know loud and clear and to all the people who have no understanding of international law or agreements concerning the Arab Israeli Conflict:
    No UN resolution (which is non-binding and has no legal standing) can override Israel's existing legal rights and title and sovereignty over any region of the Land of Israel based on the following earlier acts of International Law: The Faisal Weizmann Agreement of January 3, 1919. The General Christiaan Smuts Resolution of January 30, 1919, Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, including the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919, the San Remo Resolution of April 25, 1920, the Mandate for Palestine as confirmed on July 24, 1922 and the Franco-British Convention of December 23, 1920, all of which recognized the historical connection of the Jewish People with the Land of Israel and its borders was guaranteed by the international community.
    The Arabs have already received their lands over 12 million sq. km. with a wealth of oil reserves, under the post WWI Mandate system. It does not include any part of "Palestine". Aka The Land of Israel. The Arab countries also confiscated the homes and over 120,000 sq. km. of Jewish owned Real Estate in the Arab countries for over 2,500 years; when they expelled over a million Jewish families who mostly were resettled in The Land of Israel
